Разговорный английский язык: сравнение и противопоставление
Эти фразы пригодятся вам при подготовке к разговорной части международных экзаменов по английскому языку. Часто на экзаменах требуется высказать свое отношение к предмету/проблеме, сравнить изображения или противопоставить свое мнение и мнение собеседника.
Even so...
Despite this/In spite of this
And yet
On the other hand
In contrast to...
…, whereas…
The most apparent difference/similarity between… and… is…
…, but…
A/One contrast between… and… is that…
In comparison to…
Compared to…
A/One difference/ similarity (which stands out) is…
They're both..., however,...
Neither of them...
In picture A..., whereas/on the other hand/ however, in B...
Unlike the ... in the second picture, these ... are...
A isn't quite as good as...
While/Whereas A is ..., B is...
Both… and…/ … and… both
One resemblance between… and… is that…
One of the (few) similarities/ differences between… and… is…
Another/ An additional difference/ similarity (which is instantly apparent) is…
The most obvious/ important/ apparent similarity/ difference (for me) between… and… is…
There are more similarities than differences between… and… For instance,…