Эти фразы пригодятся вам при подготовке к разговорной части международных экзаменов по английскому языку. А также в личном общении, когда возникает необходимость или желание вступить в разговор, прервать или переспросить собеседника.

Как вступить в разговор (Interruption):

Can I make a point here?

Can I mention one thing here?

Can I just say something here?

Hold on, can I make a point here?

Excuse me, can I make a point here?

Could interrupt you there?

Would you mind if I made a point here?

Sorry, but can I make a point?

Sorry to interrupt, but...

Can I come in here?

Can I just interrupt you for a moment?

If could just make a point

Как переспросить собеседника (Clarification):

Sorry but you've lost me.

I didn't quite catch that.

I'm not sure I follow you.

Could you repeat that please?

Sorry, what does that mean?

Could you explain what you mean?

Hold on, what do you mean exactly?

Sorry, but I don't quite follow you there.

Excuse me, I don't understand what you're trying to say.

I didn't really understand that, I'm afraid.

Would you mind repeating that?

Can you explain a little further?

What I don't understand is...

Сменить тему разговора:

And another thing...


By the way...

That reminds me...