Устойчивые английские словосочетания: прилагательные + предлоги
Устойчивые английские словосочетания - прилагательные + предлоги
1. + by
abashed by
accompanied by
amazed by/at
astonished by/at
confused by
deserted by
disappointed by/with
distracted by
divisible by
elated by/at
impressed by/with
inspired by
irritated by/with
surprised by/at
surrounded by
2. +for
anxious for
destined for
good for (sth)
eligible for
essential for
handy for
(im)possible for
normal for
prepared for (ready for sth to happen)
punish sb for sth
responsible for
sorry for sb
sufficient for
thirsty for
3. +in
absorbed/engrossed in
apparent in
deep in sth
deficient in
efficient in/at
fluent in
include sb/sth in
involved in
lacking in
originate in
present in
proficient in/at
rich in
skilled in/at
soluble in
successful in/at
4. + of
afraid of + noun (spider, the dark etc)
ahead of
appreciative of
apprehensive of/about
ashamed of
aware of
devoid of
guilty of
ignorant of
incapable of
independent of/from
indicative of
innocent of
irrespective of
jealous of
mindful of
oblivious of
proud of
regardless of
reminiscent of
sure of
suspicious of
tired of
typical of
5. +on
based on
centred on
dependent on
intent on
tough on
6. + to
acceptable to
accessible to
accustomed to
addicted to
adjacent to
agreeable to
allergic to
assigned to
auxiliary to
averse to
committed to
conducive to
crucial to
damaging to
dear to
destructive to
difficult/hard/painful to
engaged to sb
immune to
im(polite) to
impervious to
indifferent to
integral to
irrelevant to
liable to
obedient to
obliged to sb for sth
obvious to
opposed to
opposite to
previous to
prone to
resigned to
resistant to
sensitive to
similar to
slow to
subject to
(un)able to
vulnerable to
7. + with
acquainted with
annoyed with sb
blue (with cold)
breathless (with excitement)
bursting (with health)
concerned with/concerned about
delighted with
disappointed with/by
displeased with
dissatisfied with
fraught with
good (with children)
identical with/to
impatient with sb
incompatible with
obsessed with
packed with
patient with
pleased with/about
popular with
possessive with/about
shy with/of