Lets Speak Brummie
Brummie (Brummy) is the accent and dialect (slang) of Birmingham, England. The term derives from Brummagem or Bromwichham, historical variants of the name Birmingham.
When you are in Birmingham you might hear these expressions
Alright = Hello
Cheers mate! = Thank you
Fancy a cuppa? I'm brewing one just now = Would you like a cup of tea? I've just put the kettle on
Can you spare a fag? = Can you spare a cigarette
I'm off then. Ta-ra = I'm leaving. Bye
Give me a bell on Friday = Give me a call on Friday
Bugger off = Leave me alone
Cor blimey! = Oh Gosh!
Going on the razzle, are you? = Are you going out?
That's load of bollocks = That isn't true
Ta = Thank you
Throw a wobbly = Throw a tantrum
Tarabit = good bye
Got a cob on = to be in a foul mood
Go and play up your own end - said to children making too much noise