English in use: verbs + prepositions
These are common English collocations: verbs + prepositions
1. + about
boast about
decide about
dream about
protest about
reminisce about
2. + against
battle/fight/struggle against
decide against
discriminate against
insure against
protest against
race against
3. + at
glance at
hint at
marvel at
4. + for
account for
allow for
apply for
blame sb for
cater for
count for
opt for
provide for
struggle for
5. + from
abstain from
ban from
bar from
benefit from
derive from
differ from
distinguish from
expel from
distract from
profit from
stem from
6. + in
confide in
fail in
implicate in
indulge in
involve in
result in
specilise in
7. + into
divide/split sth into
poke your nose into
pry into
8. + of
consist of
deprive of
remind of
9. + on
blame sth on sb
concentrate on
congratulate sb on sth
comment on
decide on
depend on
elaborate on
impose on
lavish on
pride oneself on
10. + to
appeal to
apply (oneself/sth) to
attend to
attribute to
contribute to
devote oneself to
lead to
react to
refer to
resort to
subject (sb/sth) to
tend to
trace (back) to
11. + with
acquaint with
associate with
coincide with
collide with
comply with
confront with
confuse with
cram with
ingratiate oneself with
provide with
tamper with
trust with